• Website backups

    We all know that backups are important but most website owners still seem to ignore it. A good website backup strategy is one of the most important aspects of protecting your website from unexpected accidents, yet it remains one of the most overlooked ones. It is like an insurance policy, you don't see its usefulness, until you actually need it.

    What is a website backup?

    Most modern website are a collection of multiple files and databases. A 'backup' is basically a separate copy of these files and database, kept at a secure location....

  • Magento 2 - Manage cache

    Check cache status

    Following is the command to check the status of the cache:

    php bin/magento cache:status

    Your result should look something like this:

    Current status:

                            config: 1

                            layout: 1...

                        block_html: 1...

  • Magento 2 - Command line interface (CLI) commands

    If you are a Magento developer, we are sure that you would have thought or wished to have all frequently used CLI commands in one list. Well, we went ahead and made that basic list for everyone’s reference.

    In this article, we will try to summarise the CLI commands that are available in Magento 2 by default.

We will also discuss and explore each of these commands in-depth in our future articles, so keep visiting Hungersoft.com for more....

    For now, following are the commands available to you during Magento 2 development:...

  • About Magento 2 modes: What are the different modes and how to set them?

    One of the major difference between Magento 1 and Magento 2 is that Magento 2 webshops can run in different modes.
The shop performance and speed varies between these 3 modes and each one of them is built for a different purpose, so it is important to use the correct mode while building and running a Magento 2 webshop.

In this article, we will talk about these different Magento 2 modes and learn how to set them via SSH commands....

    A Magento 2 webshop can be run in one of the following 3 modes:...

  • Go-Live Checklist – Magento 1

    Going live with a new website can always be tricky, especially if it is a complex Ecommerce webshop based on Magento 1.

A nice webshop takes weeks and months to be developed and ‘go-live’ is the day when you present all that hard work in form of your new webshop to your customers and partners.
It can give you and your team many sleepless nights if you are not fully prepared for it.
It is always possible that someone forgot something critical and that part might stop working when the site is live. Debugging and fixing issues on a live site should always be avoided, so even a small issue in live site can push you back.

That by default puts the reputation of your company/brand at stake, so it is very important that the webshop works perfectly right from the first visitor.

It should also be noted that customers avoid placing orders on sites that do not work smoothly throughout the process. The shopping experience should be flawless if you want to turn all your visitors into customers.

At Hungersoft, we have years of experience in developing and putting hundreds of Magento webshops live. And it is always a privilege to share our knowledge with the wider community. 
In the same spirit, we created a quick check-list that can help you in preparing for go-live phase of your Magento 1 webshop....

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