Today we will talk about how you can use website pop-ups to increase interaction with your visitors and customers. Pop-ups are one of the most frequently used marketing tools on websites and webshops now-a-days. Pop-ups are basically those small windows/boxes that appear floating over the site interface temporarily. They are displayed to visitors when they are surfing the website and they can be closed away easily. Most of the times pop-ups contain important information or advertisement related to the website/business itself.

Due to their sudden and surprising appearance on a visitor's screen, they are effective as well. They visually surprise the visitor and hence manage to grab all their attention, even if momentarily. Businesses use this opportunity to market their best products or services to their captive audience. Pop-ups can be used for alot of purposes like newsletter subscriptions, giving out discount codes or coupons, displaying own or external advertisements etc.

Most owners still debate whether they should use pop-ups on their sites or not. We agree that if done excessively or incorrectly then they can also irritate your visitors or even distract them away from the main purpose of the website. If used correctly, pop-ups can motivate visitors to interact with your website/business more than usual. For example, you can effectively use pop-ups for your newsletter subscription or even for new account registration. Most visitors don't take these secondary actions on their own, but a gentle nudge by a friendly and nice pop-up (containing a reward for these actions) can change their mind.

Pop-ups can be used in alot of creative ways. You have to decide what is most important aspect for you and then plan your pop-up strategy around it.
Some of the most frequently used methods are:

  • Welcome pop-ups: You can show a pop-up right when a visitor lands on your website. These welcome pop-ups are a great tool to welcome new visitors to your website and if you offer some discount then the visitor also feels rewarded and hence makes a bond with the site. They can also be used for legal purposes or for decision-making.

    For example: You can use them to inform visitors about your cookie and privacy policy. If your site has some age or region restriction then you can show a pop-up containing further instructions/action-points. If you have a multi-store set-up then you can also use a pop-up to allow your visitors to choose their preferred language and currency. You can even block further access to the site unless some action is selected on this welcome pop-up.
  • Timed pop-ups: This type of pop-ups are configured to be displayed after a fixed amount of time. For example, they can be displayed after 60 seconds of a visitor landing on your site/page. These pop-ups can be targeted towards people who chose to stay at your site for extended periods.
  • On-action pop-ups: These pop-ups are displayed when the visitor has taken some action on the site. The action could be anything, like scrolling down a page or clicking on a link/button on the site. These pop-ups can make things interesting while the visitor is still looking at your content and is browsing around your website.
  • Page-based pop-ups: These pop-ups are displayed to visitors when they open/close a specific page on the site. It could be any page: Home page, product category page, product page or even info. page. These can be used on blog or other info. pages. You can display pop-ups containing information specific to the page that is opended/closed by the visitor. This can help since the visitor is still engaged with that topic.
  • Upsell & Cross-sell pop-ups: These pop-ups are mostly displayed on product detail pages, cart and checkout pages. You can offer related products or even other options of the same products that the customer is looking at or buying. It can act as a great sales tool and provide your buyers with a richer experience.
  • Exit pop-ups: These pop-ups are displayed when a user tries to leave a site. They are developed to be displayed when a visitor's cursor leaves the area of the browser tab where the site is being displayed. These pop-ups can be used to lure back visitors who were about to drop off the site. You can provide some bait information or offer in this type pop-up which can help keeping your visitor interested.

There can be more type of pop-ups of-course. It really depends on your imagination. If you effectively use pop-ups on your site then you can keep your visitors informed about all your promotions, offers and brand news easily. Offer some discounts via these pop-ups and your customers will stay happy and loyal to your website.

Feel free to contact Hungersoft to come-up with best pop-up strategy for your Ecommece store or your website.

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